“Out Of Office” is a crime comedy written and directed by Bartosz Nowacki. A career-focused man regularly puts business promotions ahead of his private life. One night, however, he is visited by a mysterious visitor. The film is a 2022 Winner of Bridging the Borders Award for Best Short Film.
Spring of 1794, Poland is in turmoil. General Tadeusz “Kos” Kościuszko (Jacek Braciak) returns to Poland and plans to start an uprising against the Russians by mobilizing the Polish nobility and peasants. He is accompanied by his faithful friend and former slave, Domingo (Jason Mitchell).
Lacking the talent that has been defining her family for generations, Simona Kossak is growing up knowing no warmth from her authoritarian mother. After graduating from the university, she leaves everything behind – her home, tradition and social norms – and accepts the position of a scientist in Białowieża, starting to live her life on her own terms.
The story of Jerzy and Helena Kulej, the most vibrant married couple of the 1960s in Poland. He is a legendary boxer, a two-time European and eight-time Polish champion, the only Polish boxer to have won two Olympic golds, and though never knocked out in the ring, collapsing many a times in his private life.
A group of farmers organizes a protest outside the house of an MP who, contrary to his earlier promises, voted against their interests. When a human body is discovered in the manure they dump on his front yard, suspicion immediately falls on Jarek, the leader of the protest, even though the deceased was his closest friend.
It is a suspense-filled psychological drama with elements of a thriller and a spy movie. A film inspired by the true story of a special agent of Cold-War Poland who posed as the son of a German woman to build false family relations and launch a successful espionage career. A story of how big-world politics can devastate the lives of ordinary people.