Zbigniew Domagalski

Zbigniew Domagalski

Film producer. Co-founder, co-owner and Head of the Board of Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop, founded in 1988. Graduated from the Management Faculty and the Journalism Faculty of the University of Warsaw. Lectures at the National School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź.
Zbigniew Domagalski produced a number of feature and documentary films. His most important productions were Stanisław Mucha’s ‘Hope’, co-produced with Cologne’s Pandora Film; Kinga Dębska’s ‘Hel’, co-produced with In Film Prague, Filip Bajon’s ’War of Love’ (Śluby panieńskie) which was seen by over a million viewers in the cinema. His last documentaries released in cinemas were Karolina Bielawska’s ‘Call me Marianna’ and Dębska’s and Konwicka’s ‘The Actress’. Zbigniew Domagalski is the producer of ‘These Daughters of Mine’ (Moje córki krowy).