Warsaw 44
(Miasto 44)
Warsaw 44 is a story of young Varsovians full of life and passion. They live their lives as if each day was to be their last. It’s not, however, due to their bravado or recklessness – this attitude is a natural thing considering the reality they face. We get to know the movie’s main characters (Stefan, Biedronka and Kama) shortly before the fighting breaks out in the summer of 1944. Young Poles see their involvement in the underground movement not only as a patriotic duty, but also as an adventure, an opportunity to brag to their peers and impress girls. They witness sacrifice and heroism, but also cruelty, betrayal and murder. They learn about love and discover what hate feels like. History teaches them a bloody and brutal lesson in growing up.
Director: Komasa, Jan
Screenplay: Jan Komasa, Maciej Pisuk
Cinematography: Marian Prokop
Music: Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz
Film Editor: Michał Czarnecki
Principal Cast: Józef Pawlowski, Zofia Wichlacz, Anna Próchniak, Antoni Królikowski, Maurycy Popiel, Filip Gurlacz, Karolina Staniec, Tomasz Schuchardt
Runtime: 130 minutes
Release Year: 2014
Genre: Drama