Spitfire Liberator: The Alex Herbst Story
Captain Alex Herbst is the oldest living WWII pilot of the elite 303 and 308 Polish Fighters Squadrons of the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force. The documentary Spitfire Liberator: The Alex Herbst Story, honors Polish aviators who fought for freedom under foreign skies. Captain Herbst flew 141 missions on Spitfires, escorted B-17 bombers, and took part in the Invasion of Normandy by the Allied Forces. He survived three emergency parachute landings after being shot down. For his heroism and achievements Captain Herbst received the Polish Cross of Valor and multiple British decorations. After the war, he settled in the United States and currently resides in the Seattle area. His autobiography Cavalry of the Skies walks the path of a generation of forgotten heroes who lost everything but faith in a brighter future for the world.
Director: Ciok, Sławomir
Screenplay: Sławomir Ciok
Cinematography: Sławomir Ciok, Gregg Forest
Music: Bobby Cole, Maciej Pawloski and John Porter Band
Film Editor: Maryla Torbus
Principal Cast: Alex Herbst, second pilot/instructor Gregg P. Pointon
Runtime: 98 minutes
Release Year: 2015
Genre: Documentary