In Search of Lost Landscape
(W poszukiwaniu utraconego krajobrazu)
Director Lee Kantor, who grew up in Strzegom, a small town near Wroclaw, presents the unique history of the Jewish community in Wrocław and Lower Silesia. It was from here, over a number of decades, that numerous Nobel Prize winners covering a variety of subjects came from. It was here that Mendelssohn played and Edith Stein created her work. The Jewish community, murdered by the Third Reich, was reborn from the ashes of World War Two – schools, theatres and medical centres were created. It was here that training for the future Israeli army began – Haganah. It was from there that around 100,000 people left for Sweden, Denmark, Canada and USA while the rest were forced to flee in 1968.
Director: Leo Kantor
Cinematography: Artur Lukaszewicz, Jacek Knopp
Runtime: 40 minutes minutes
Release Year: 2014
Genre: Documentary