City of Ruins
(Miasto ruin)
In Spring 1945 a ghost of a city haunts the left bank of the Vistula River - skeletons of burned out, ruined townhouses tower over fields of rubble, the streets are eerily empty, broken bridges are sunk in the river. The war and occupation destroyed over half of the buildings in the capital of Poland, and after the Rising Germans purposefully demolished another 30 per cent of the pre-war city. The scale of the destruction can be clearly seen from an airplane approaching Warsaw. Following the river it travels north, along the route of the Liberators, which in the days of the Warsaw Rising brought supplies to the soldiers. The plane descends, approaching the heart of the city - where not so long ago the Royal Castle used to be... This is how The City of Ruins starts and it is the first digital reconstruction of a city devastated during WWII, rendered in 3D.
Director: Nenow, Damian
Music: Adam Skorupa
Runtime: 6 minutes
Release Year: 2010
Genre: Animation